âĒ The content you will receive, the learning material you will master is based on 28 years of experience, studying and sharing worldwide.
âĒ As you can see in the "Gallery" I got to share stages with Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Jairek Robbins and many more influential personalities in this industry.
âĒ I also know that investing today, more than ever, is a hard nut to crack for many among us.
âĒ However, I am convinced that it is my duty to share this very special information with the world and therefore want to make this information accessible to the majority of society.
âĒ This is the only time you can get access for such a low price.
Question: âWhen is it a good time to sign up right nowâ?Â
Looking forward to see you inside the training!!
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or have direct access:
Direct Access - Thai VersionThe Problem
What are the obstacles we struggle with, keeping us back from success in Sales, Business, Relationships and Communication in general?
People telling you:
- They're busy, ..to call them back
- Not interested, ..no time
Ever experienced the Pain of:
- People Lying to you
- Getting a NO
- Not meeting your TARGETS
Join our fast growing community today!
The Solution
Believe it or not, been there, done that, UNTIL I discovered Body Language.
Discover, like many others, how
Body Language can:
- Shift your game in life and relationships
- Change the rules of the game in business
- Make you reach your goals and amazing results
Join Us, Become an Expert and Enjoy The Life You Always Dreamed Of !!
When is it the right time, to take a decision right now?
Action results
You will:
- See whatâs never being said,
in meetings, in business & sales
- Raise your self-confidence
- Understand clearly what is meant
by what people say
- Discover a lie vs. the truth
- Pull people towards you instead of
pushing them away
- Increase your business results
with 20% to 30%
Become an Expert !
Relationships and Business Communication
People come and go in our lives, their first impression will last forever!
What is...
There are different types of communication and there are several types of Body language. Reading and writing includes a grammar, Body Language has no grammar, it's based on feelings.
What Verbal and Non-Verbal communication have in common, is that they both will be influenced by certain conditions and feelings!
Your thoughts influence your feelings, your feelings influence your Body Language and attract your thoughts: "What you think is What you get!"
Start hereImagine...
Imagine you leave your house in the morning, closing the door and your keys are on the door, however, on the inside. That day you’ll probably be super nervous, because how are you going to get in on your return?
Imagine you're in a business negotiation and you get that weird gut feeling that something isn't right. After a week or a month, you find out that everything is going wrong and that financial disasters are about to unfold.
When you're making a decision, it can be a rational or emotional decision, based on conscious signals or a subconscious reality, note that particular signals or realities will influence your Body Language.
Your Verbal and Non-Verbal communication will influence the conscious and subconscious mind and will decide the quality and results of any further communications, conversations or actions and results.
The advantages of your Online Body Language Training:
#1 You have direct access to the topic that needs your focus.
#2 It is much more fun to repeat the content over and over until you master it.
#3 You yourself are in control of what you learn, how much you learn, when you learn and where you learn, it's 24/7 accessible.
In short, online learning is super productive, remember:Â
âChange is Daily, Personal Development a choiceâ!
Discover the magical science of Body Language during this profound Online Training.
Analyze, process, transform, breakthrough and become an Expert.
Question: âWhen is it a good time to sign up right nowâ?Â
See you inside the training!!
You can start the complete training today
What People Say:
People generally underestimate the power of Body Language, so I was fascinated to understand more through a short course with René. His courses are engaging and very powerful, I learnt so much in a short space of time and René is certainly a leader at what he teaches. I appreciate his follow up also, and the fact he responds to messages moving forward. A great experience and one I will look to take further in the near future!
~ Nick Hems – UK ~
With strong core values in the professional and personal levels, René is a strategic leader with strong soft skills. By being people oriented and always with a focus in the business, René has the advantage of developing motivated and goal-oriented teams. One of the most inspiring and focused leaders who I had the privilege to meet.
~ João Rabaça Teixeira – Portugal ~
Body language is very important and I recommend this program for leaders and businessmen on any level. I learned a lot from René! It’s really useful for me to understand the patterns of individuals in different situations whether it’s in business, different professions, negotiations, however, in our daily routines as well where we all use verbal and non-verbal language to communicate with others.
~ Rommayakorn Suvisit – CEO at Pan Pho Co. Ltd – Bangkok – Thailand ~
To me it was a great experience how Body Language works in all human being. I got very much interested once I attended René Deceuninck’s Body Language workshop in Tehran. Now I pay more attention to it, once I need to understand the real outcome of discussions, meetings & even in my personal life. If you want to get your head clear about issues, challenges in your professional and personal life, where you need the answer, to chill or to move, you need to learn it, and do learn it well, René is the right person!
~ Dr. B. Fattahi – Tehran – Iran ~
Hi Rene, I am so glad that I decided to take your two day Body Language course, it was like learning a new language, one that speaks to me without people knowing what they are saying. As a therapist it is such a valuable tool in understanding how people are really feeling. It has made me aware of my own body language especially when dealing with companies. I loved the way you made it real by connecting the stories to your teaching. You created a wonderful atmosphere will certainly be recommending the course to others.
~ Wendi Mclean – Ashwellthorpe – United Kingdom ~
Become a Certified Body Language Expert
in 8 Weeks and Get Your
Master Business Anatomy Degree!
Start the complete training today
ðđð Thai Online Body Language ðđð
(Thai Subtiteld)
ðđð Thai Online Body Language ðđð
Discover the Secrets, Knowledge and benefits of Body language, become a mind through Body Reader and see what's never being said!Â
Subtitled in de THAI Language by PanPho Thailand
Pan Pho Co. Ltd. (Head Office)
115/14 Phutthamonthon Sai 2 Road, Salatammasop, Taweewattana, Bangkok 10170 Thailand
ðđð āļĒāļīāļāļāļĩāļāđāļāļāļĢāļąāļ -Â Welcome ðđð
Body Language Certification
āđāļāļĒ RenÃĐÂ Deceuninck | āļŦāļĨāļąāļāļŠāļđāļāļĢāļĄāļ·āļāļāļēāļāļĩāļāļāļĢāđāļāļĄāđāļāļāļĢāļ°āļāļēāļĻāļāļĩāļĒāļāļąāļāļĢ
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RenÃĐ Deceuninck
4Â āļāļąāđāļ§āđāļĄāļÂ āļŦāļąāļ§āļāđāļ:Â Body Language, Sale, MindsetÂ
01 āļāļāļāđāļāļāļĢāļąāļāļŠāļđāđ Body Language Online Course - 02 Body Language āļāļ·āļāļāļ°āđāļĢ? āđāļĢāļīāđāļĄāļāļēāļāļāļĢāļāđāļŦāļ?
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ðđð āļĒāļīāļāļāļĩāļāđāļāļāļĢāļąāļ - Welcome ðđð
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